Functional Lab Testing

Optimize body function with functional lab testing

Our functional nutrition practitioners are trained to work with an array of diagnostic lab tests in order to identify the root causes of your symptoms and any imbalances that are not allowing for optimal function.

In functional medicine, you will find that the lab ranges are stricter. This is because the focus is on identifying risks and trends toward disease in effort to not only prevent disease altogether but to help you feel your best.

On the other hand, in conventional medicine the focus is on identifying the presence or absence of disease. Many times clients feel bad or run-down but are told over and over again that their lab work is normal. This is because the conventional ranges do not focus on optimal function. You do not have to fit the medical criteria for disease for an imbalance to be present and for these imbalances to cause symptoms. If left unaddressed, over time these imbalances can progress in to chronic conditions and diseases.

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Functional LAb Testing

Our functional nutrition practitioners use diagnostic lab testing to perform comprehensive health checks and to help formulate personalized plans for a number of conditions. In conventional nutrition, generalized dietary and supplement recommendations are made to manage symptoms. One symptom can have many different possible causes - all which may require a different approach. Without diagnostic lab testing, only inferences can be made about what is driving your condition. Our functional nutritionists use your lab results to dig deep and truly identify which body functions need support. They use data from your lab results to not only tailor your recommendations to you but to monitor your progress as well.

Gut Health

Our functional nutritionists are certified in gastrointestinal healing. A healthy gut refers to the optimal function of the digestive tract as well as the vitality of the gut microbiome. Living with bloating, constipation, acid reflux and diarrhea is common but it should never be perceived as normal. These are tell-tell signs of a struggling gastrointestinal system, but just because there are no obvious digestive symptoms present does not mean your gut health is in perfect condition or that your other symptoms are not tied to your gut. Digestive dysfunction, gut dysbiosis and inflammation in the gut can be a driving force behind nearly every health condition. You may have heard the saying "you are what you eat," but actually "you are what you digest." If you cannot properly break down and utilize the nutrients from your food, all aspects of your health will suffer. Our practitioners will use diagnostic tools like the GIMAP stool test to asses your gut microbiome, digestive function, gut barrier integrity, immune response and activity in the gut and the level of inflammation present in the gut. With these results and a formulated protocol, you can truly begin your gut healing journey.

Blood Chemistry

One important pillar of functional nutrition is that all organ systems are connected and dysfunction in one area will drive dysfunction in many other areas. Therefore, it is important to consider all systems when evaluating health and search for root causes. Our functional nutritionist use comprehensive blood panels to assess cardiovascular, thyroid, liver and renal function as well as inflammation levels, immune activity and blood sugar regulation. Whether you are wanting to perform a routine health check or have already been diagnosed with a condition that you need help managing, these panels and their results are extremely beneficial in helping formulate a tailored nutrition and healing protocol that can work wonderfully alongside conventional treatment. If you feel run-down but are repeatedly told that your lab work is normal, you may benefit from having our practitioners review your results from a functional perspective. Our panels also tend to investigate deeper than conventional panels.

Hormonal Balance & Fertility

For those dealing with prolonged chronic symptoms such as hormonal imbalances, chronic stress, changes in menstrual cycles, low sex drive, menopause, infertility, PCOS, anxiety, and depression, our practitioners can order hormone panels to help identify and address the driving factors behind your symptoms. Please keep in mind that because hormones are so closely related to the gut, liver and other organ systems, we may need to work on gut healing work first as well as run a comprehensive blood panel.

why choose us?

Certified Nutrition Practitioners

1:1 Counseling & Guidance

Protocols Built from Lab Results

Focus on Optimal Function


"Dr. Anzola and the team are so special. They really support your wellness goals from all angles, and they have so much to offer as far as services. Francesca is also amazing if you need nutritional guidance. The energy at Templ is very calming and welcoming, from the design of the space to the entire staff, including the front desk team. Even the patients are very kind and friendly. It always brightens my day when I leave an appointment, I can't recommend them enough."

-Care G.

"My Wife and I absolutely love this place - from the moment you walk in you feel as though you are in your own home. A warm welcome, super clean lobby, soothing music, warm tea and snacks... The staff is incredible - friendly and inviting.  Once you are back in the room, its a great experience. This has been life changing for us both and we look forward to continuing our journey with them. Highly recommend!"

-Jason R.

"A great experience EVERY SINGLE TIME! Dr.Anzola and her team are very caring and detail oriented. Dr.Anzola has treated multiple health concerns of mine. I greatly appreciate this place."

-Steven Q.


For more information about any of our integrative medicine or holistic wellness modalities, please give us a call or book an appointment online.

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